Thursday, March 20, 2008

Child Obesity Facts and Treatment

Now day’s parents are worried because of their child obesity problems and number of over weight children is increasing day by day. Fattiness in children not only makes them to feel inferior but also causes many harmful diseases in small age like diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, and many more diseases can be gathered around them. Access weight can bring them in depression also. Children’s always take a tension that they are fatty.

Major Causes of Child Obesity

Children take junk food, specifically food with low nutrition and high calories. The physical activities of the children have also reduced as they misuse more time with computers, playing video games and television.

Facts of childhood obesity:-

  • Carelessness in food, alarming increase in the number of children and teenagers developing Type-2 Diabetes (also termed as adult-onset diabetes) due to being overweight.
  • High levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure, that are some main risk factors for development of heart diseases are found in most of the obese children.
  • Sleep Apnea is considered as the most severe problem faced by obese children. In the sleep apnea (interruption of breath while sleeping) may lead to other problems like difficulty in learning and memory.
  • Overweight children are on higher risk of developing liver diseases, orthopedic problems and asthma.
  • 70% oboist teenagers retain their overweight and obese condition even during their adulthood.

Treatment Options

Some of the treatment options of Child Obesity includes:

Healthy eating – Nutritional diet makes your child healthy not fatty. Be supportive to him to make them take care of their diet and physical activities.

Less Overeating – Avoid high calories food and low nutritional food for your children.

Participate in Physical Activities – Encourage your children to participate in physical activities rather than engaging themselves in entertaining activities that result in overweight condition in childhood which may also follow during adulthood.

Help your child

Parents have to play active role in ensuring that their child does not become overweight.

  • Never neglect overweight child. If you accept your child the way he is, the chances are more that the child will accept the condition and feel good about them.
  • Never ignore you child. Let his express his feelings about his overweight condition. They can assess their overweight condition better than anybody else.
  • Help your child loose overweight.

Most Effective option to get rid of Child Obesity

One of the most effective methods of treating and preventing child obesity for the parents is to encourage their child for engaging in physical activities

  • Encourage your child to participate in sports activities like, cricket basketball, dance or gymnastics and many more
  • Give time to your child to do active tasks like vacuuming, watering plants, making beds etc Also plan active outings like visit to zoo or walking through parks

Children are first-rate learners and pick up quickly what they see. You must project yourself as a role model by adhering to healthy eating habits and regular physical activities. They will surely follow you.

In this article the author falls some light on child obesity problems for parents, and give them some points to solve this problem, and recommend to parents to consult from dietician, health experts for more info on child obesity Visit on Child Obesity and get more information from health experts and treatment tips visit

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sleeping Disorders – Types and Causes

Sleeping disorder is generally found in people of all ages and because of a hectic life people today have. Excessive work pressures some times make them feel un comfortable sleeping in night which in turn makes them restless. Medically this condition is called sleeping disorder.Sleep deprivation can make you, tired, have less focus, irritable, a lower frustration level and can lead to exhibiting behavior that's more emotional and impulsive.

Sleeping disorder is a kind of sickness; most common forms prevailing these days are:

Let us discuss each of them briefly here:

Bruxism:- Bruxism is the unconscious clenching of teeth, done by jaw. This is an oral activity that is most of the people suffer from when they are highly in depressed condition or are feeling rest less in night and can’t sleep properly. It is the major cause of bruxism.

DSPS: - Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome is also known as sleep phase disorder this happens at sleeping time. It is usually known as body timing system, if you are not waking up at proper time and feel uncomfortable in the morning or feels sleepy at work, then you may be having symptoms of DSPS.

Hypopnea: - Hypopnea is a kind of sleep disorder which is also identified as abnormal shallow breathing when somebody transfers oxygen to the body and carbon dioxide out of the body. This is related with the flow of air. This happens because of excessive sleepiness.

Narcolepsy: - Excessive day time sleepiness while one already slept whole night is also called Narcolepsy, hypnogogic hallucinations, sleep paralysis, automatic activities ,are the symptoms of EDS.

Night sweets:- Sweating or night sweat is also a cause of skin disorder, when some person have excessive sweating in night, clammy and dump beds absorb them and when you wake up in the morning. Find that your bed soaked to them. Sweating is a natural body task but this is the cause of many problems, diabetes, anemia, bed injuries and many more.

Night terror: - Night terror used to fall in children basically of 5 to 10 years, horrible dreams and faces fear while alone are the symptoms of night terror. Some times young people also prone from this night terror.

As the article presents a brief overview of common sleep disorders, to know more about the basic causes, types, treatment options of sleep disorder visit our sleeping disorder article at on complete online health guide -

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Skin Disorder Causes – Prevent your skin

Skin disorders are the widely occurring in all skin types in human. There can be so many causes that can be prevented and if a person takes care of these things then he/she can get healthier skin and available are many anti-aging programs that will help to prevent various problems of skin. Many effective anti-aging skin care program are good enough to teach what you may be doing that is harming your skin and speeding up your skin's aging process.

Sun burn is also protected by sunscreen; doctors proved that skin cancer is reduced by using sun screen lotion. The incidence in 1950 to 2001 in the US. Basal and squamous cell skin cancer statistics are more difficult, but show a similar doubling trend for about every twenty years.

Causes of Skin Disorders:

Some of popular causes of skin disorders:

Smoking: smoking is the main and no one cause for aging of your skin, this is the main cause of wrinkles and also because cigarette smoke depletes your body from Vitamin C, which is a key ingredient for keeping skin plump and moist.

Sun exposure: Sun exposure gives Freckles and it can turn into brown sun spots, the skin takes on a dry, wrinkles and sagging are also happen from sun exposure. In major cases, skin cancer can be happened due to this reason and extra visit in sun light in summers.

No regular exercise: Regular exercise is like nutrition to skin because exercise helps to tone muscles and gets blood flowing. But in daily life it is lacking because of hectic schedule.

Use of Alcohol: Alcohol becomes the part of aging skin by dilating small blood vessels in the skin; herbal products can be used to overcome the habit of drinking alcohol.

Lack of Sleep: If you have a problem in sleeping that will become a main cause of skin problems. A proper 8 hour sleep is necessary for a human being that can refresh the body and mind, and gives protection to skin.

Exposure to cold weather: Cold weather can harm as cold winds and heater in rooms makes skin dry. Skin feels stretched, in winter we should take extra care of skin by moisturizing it with creams and so many products are used in them.

Stress: Stress has become a part of daily life under pressure. Stress gives over time the muscles in the face actually conform to that movement. It can be removed by many anti aging programs like yoga, meditation and many other remedies that can be used to give the relaxation to body and skin.

Prevention from Skin Disorders:

To prevent your skin from skin disorders like skin cancer, allergies, blood spots and many other problems:

  • Avoid direct exposure from sunlight
  • Apply sunscreen lotions before going in sunlight
  • Drink more and more of water
  • Sleep at least 6 – 8 hours a day
  • Exercise daily, yoga and meditations are good medium for healthier skin
  • Remove make up before going to bed
  • Avoid use of harsh chemicals on skin
  • Avoid junk and fried food
  • Eat fruits daily
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs
  • Consult Doctor in case of adverse skin problems
  • Consult Dietician for proper diet
  • Consult Doctor in case of any blood disorder or joint problems

Author is a health expert and running an online health information guide visit and provided many other articles on providing more symptoms, causes, prevention tips and treatment methods for skin disorder

Monday, March 10, 2008

Anemia: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Anemia is a blood disorder that is created when your blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells. These cells are the main transporters of oxygen to organs. If red blood cells are also deficient in hemoglobin, then your body is not getting enough iron.

Anemia is usually detected or at least confirmed by a complete blood cell (CBC) count. It is the common blood disorder. There are several kinds of anemia, produced by a variety of underlying causes. Anemia can be classified in a variety of ways, based on the morphology of RBCs. It is found in the person when the number of red blood cells in your blood is low. For this reason, doctors sometimes describe anemia as having a low blood count

Symptoms of anemia:

  • Feeling of restless and loss of energy.
  • Fatigue -- occur because organs aren't getting enough oxygen.
  • Unusually rapid heart beat, particularly with exercise.
  • Shortness of breath and headache in exercise also
  • Difficulty in concentrating on something

Types & causes of Anemia

1) Macrocytic anemia: Macrocytic anemia can be further divided into "megaloblastic anemia" or "non-megaloblastic macrocytic anemia". The cause of megaloblastic anemia is primarily a failure of DNA synthesis with preserved RNA synthesis, which results in restricted cell division of the progenitor cells.

2) Microcytic anemia: Microcytic anemia caused due to hemoglobin synthesis failure or insufficiency .Iron deficiency anemia is the common type of anemia so it has many causes. RBCs often appear hypo chromic (paler than usual) and microcytic (smaller than usual) when viewed with a microscope

3) Normocytic anemia: Normocytic anemia causes when the overall Hb levels are decreased, but the red blood cell size (MCV) remains normal. Causes include:

  • Accurate blood loss
  • Anemia of chronic disease
  • Bone marrow failure Aplastic anemia
  • Hemolytic anemia

4) Heinz body anemia: Heinz bodies are an abnormality that forms on the cells in this condition. This form of anemia may be brought on by taking certain medications; it is also triggered in cats by eating onions or acetaminophen (Tylenol). It can be triggered in dogs by ingesting onions or zinc and in horses by ingesting dry Red Maple leaves.

There are more than 400 types of anemia found in the medical science, which are divided into 3 groups

  • Anemia caused by decreased or faulty red blood cell production
  • Anemia caused by destruction of red blood cells
  • Anemia caused by blood loss

5) Dimorphic anemia: When two causes of anemia act simultaneously, e.g., macrocytic hypo chromic due to hookworm infestation leading to deficiency of both iron and vitamin B12or folic acid or following a blood transfusion more than one abnormality of red cell indices may be seen

Treatments of Anemia

To over come the problem of anemia,

1) A proper diet including green vegetables is must

2) Consult with doctor or physician to diagnose the type of anemia and treatment options

3) Take proper nourishments, vitamins and nutritional supplements - Iron, B12 or folic acid

4) infections treatment , inflammations or malignancies

5) Blood transfusions provide red blood cell transfusions for bleeding and/or severe chronic anemia’s can save the life of a person.

6) Red cell transfusions are the old mainstay, which offers the quickest relief for anemia’s provided proper consultation should be taken as several risks are associated with transfusion.

The blog contains main information about anemia, to know more about pernicious anemia visit and sickle cell anemia visit and find more on several other blood diseases on complete online health guide -

Monday, March 3, 2008

Dieting analysis


The craze of low carb diets has become official now. These are low calorie and low fat diets. There are many different editions of the low carbohydrate diet such as Dr. Atkins New Diet Reduction, Protein Power, the Carbohydrate Addict’s Lifestyle Plan, Life without Bread and others. All of them are very strict reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates.


As most low carb diets replace carbohydrates with fats and proteins as a general rule a low carb diet is identical with a high-fat and reasonable protein diet and organic food .

Usually low carb diets cut out all necessary carbs and allow the body to burn excessive fat. In fact, lesser carbs also calm down your body’s production of insulin, thus putting off surplus cravings that might increase your sugar level. Therefore, low carb diet has been proven safe enough to be an effective treatment for diabetes and severe obesity problems. For the right results, try to eat the right foods.


Domestic violence as its name defined it is the fight in which the intimate partners &couples and family members are involved. Sometimes it is referred to as domestic abuse.

What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse between the intimate partners & couples is when the situation comes
when one person in the relationship wants to immorally control the other one. Domestic violence is perpetrated by, and on, both men and women. The perpetrator uses fear, intimidation, humiliation, physical injury and may threaten to use physical violence. Domestic abuse which uses physical violence is called domestic violence.

Domestic violence occurs in all cultures, ethnicities, religions every kind of people which comes from any kind of economic and racial background

Types of Domestic Violence:

Physical Violence: In physical violence a man may punch his wife with his fists, or kick her if she has fallen to the ground. If she is pregnant, he might kick her in the abdomen. Weapons are also used in physical abuse - sometimes he will beat her with a stick, or shoot her with a gun. Or else he might just threaten her with these weapons.

Sexual Abuse: Abusers who are physically violent toward their intimate partners are often sexually violent as well. So we can say that sexual abuse is related to physical sexual assault violence. Sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexual exploitation come in sexual abuse.

Emotional abuse: The abuser tells the victim that they are worthless on their own

Making the victim feel that there is no way out of the relationship. Isolation from friends and family also comes in emotional abuse.

Financial abuse: The abuser makes insult of his partner if his financial condition is being good then the other one, and he feels jealous in its opposite case. In India their Are many cases where you will see that the wife is beat by her husband if her financial condition is being not too good and if she is not able to fulfill his demands?

Spiritual abuse: This type of situation comes when the intimate partners are become from the different religions.

Causes of Domestic Violence:

  • Domestic violence may start when one partner feels the need to control and dominate the other.
  • Feel inferior to the other partner in education and socioeconomic background.
  • Abusers may feel this need to control their partner because of low self-esteem, extreme jealousy, difficulties in regulating anger and other strong emotions
  • Some men with very traditional beliefs may think they have the right to control women, and that women aren’t equal to men.
  • Alcohol and other chemical substances may contribute to violent behavior

Effects of Domestic Violence:

  • Domestic violence physically, psychologically and socially affects women, men and their families.
  • Victims of domestic violence may be isolated from friends, family and neighbors and lose their network of social support
  • Individuals who are abused live in fear and isolation in the one place they should always feel safe, their home.
  • Child abuse and domestic violence often occur in the same family. Researchers have found that 50 percent to 70 percent of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently abused their children.
  • Around five to six million children witnesses the acts of violence against their mother every year.

To know more about dieting and other health related information visit or