Saturday, June 6, 2009

Be Safe from Facial Skin Disorders

Skin is one of the prime and most important sense organ of our body. It is composed of three primary layers: the epidermis, which serves as a barrier to infection and provides waterproofing; the dermis, which further act as a location for the appendages of skin; and the hypodermis, which is commonly known as basement membrane. Any disorder on skin can certainly change the way a person look. In fact, if someone is suffering from facial skin disorder then it can change the way a person looks at themselves.

Facial skin disorder is generally related to epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. It can be due to bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. Beside this, it can be a sign of imbalance in your system. A skin disorder can occur on any part of the body but the face is one of the prime areas of the body that gets affected more.

Different Types of Facial Skin Disorders

The skin on our face is very sensitive than skin on other areas of our body and prone to various skin disorder conditions like-

Acne – It is one of the most common skin disorders in the world. It generally appears as - blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, papules or cysts. It is the result of a build up of sebum behind blocked hair follicles. Today there are various acne treatments available, but it is very important to understand that not all treatments will help everyone.

Rosacea - It is a chronic condition and primarily affects the blood vessels of the face. It is most common skin disorder found in both men and women aged between 30 and 40. In fact it results in red blotches with hard swollen pimple like bumps appearing on the face. As a result, its treatment is aimed at avoiding conditions that can cause dilatation of the superficial facial blood vessels.

Skin Disorder Prevention

It is very important to understand that most of the skin disorders treatment generally takes long time to show their effects. The turmoil can become more irritating if the infection does not react to skin disorder treatments. In addition, most skin problems that appear on face may look similar, but inaccurate treatments can cause setback in diagnosis. Eczema can produce acne-like blemishes, and psoriasis and eczema can have flaking skin. Thus, it is very important that when treating skin disorders, a good hygiene is maintained. Moreover, there are few other steps that can help in better treatment or prevention of skin disorders, such as:

1. Avoiding things that make the redness worse. Examples are alcohol, hot beverages, or spicy foods.
2. Use skin clean and moisturizer helps alleviate the discomfort and prevents scarring or spreading the condition.
3. Exposure to excessive heat should be avoided
4. Apply an antibiotic lotion or gel to the affected skin that can help clear the acne like bumps.
5. Avoiding very hot water and excessive bathing, which dry the skin.
6. Drink plenty of water.

Treatment of facial skin disorders varies widely according to the particular condition. All facial skin conditions carry with them a degree of emotional stress. So, it’s important that a person suffering form facial skin disorder doesn’t let stress hamper his or her skin health. Though a physician can offer more information about these skin conditions and how to diagnose, treat them, but at the end a regular program or few precautionary steps of skin care can prevent many of the face skin disorders.